Tuesday, December 18, 2012

review: Ghirardelli Gourmet Milk Sea Salt Escape

Let us stray from the beauty theme for a bit to talk about chocolate.

I absolutely love chocolate and consider myself a connoisseur. At my wedding reception my husband and I opted for a "chocolate bar" featuring many choices of chocolates instead of a cake. When my family and friends travel they bring me new and sometimes exotic chocolates to try.

I used to be much more into milk chocolate but find my tastes are changing as I eat less and less sugar. I used to obsess over varieties of Belgium milk chocolate, but now I find myself trying chocolates that have alternatives to sugar, which seems more likely in dark options. (If it is cheap chocolate I think milk is better, dark chocolate really needs to be a good quality.)

Ghirardelli is a great chocolate. I find that even their unsweetened bars have a silky smooth quality that other similar chocolates do not. When going to San Francisco, Ghirardelli Square is pretty much a required sojourn. You might even say I am a Ghirardelli fan.
Therefore, I was so excited to see this in my VoxBox:

So it is with a heavy heart that I report I was slightly disappointed. The majority of the problem was my fault because I kept thinking it was Sea Salted Caramel but then I looked at the package after sampling it a couple times. The reason there was no caramel flavor is that it wasn't salted caramel duh! hahaha

It is a very good chocolate bar. The milk chocolate is superb as always, the almond pieces are delicious and the sea salt rounds out the flavors quite nicely. But even after I repeatedly told myself there wasn't caramel I still wanted there to be caramel. I can't say it was bad in any way but somehow it was just missing something. If someone offered me this bar I would not refuse a square but if I was standing in the chocolate aisle I would likely buy the Dark & Raspberry filled, the Dark & Orange filled, or the Milk & Caramel filled. 

Before I wrote this I went to the Ghirardelli website and discovered they do in fact have a Dark & Sea Salt Caramel bar that I will need to try now, if nothing else to fulfill that missing piece of the puzzle. I just remembered that I think I've seen it in the store recently so maybe that is why I was so confused with my assumptions. I also noticed they have a Gourmet Milk Coconut Rendezvous... oooh I love coconut and chocolate. I am not generally a white chocolate fan but if you ever see their white chocolate coconut, give it a try. It may have been a different brand or a limited time one, I dunno, but it was good.

Dear Ghirardelli, this wasn't a complete miss... keep at it buddy. 

*Influenster sent me this complimentary product for free.

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